Budget Guidance

Preliminary Budget

When creating a preliminary budget in e-Builder, always include:

  • 20-220 Consultant Services – Primary (prime design team)
  • 30-320 Construction
  • 30-340 Sales Tax (associated with Construction)
  • 60-610 Agency Project Management (4% of total project, CPD’s management fee)
  • 70-710 In-Plant Services  (to cover FM’s work orders and EIS Telecom)
  • 70-720 Permits
  • 70-740 Advertising
  • 80-810 or 70-770 Project Contingency (include all project contingency in a single line item rather than breaking into Design contingency, Construction contingency, etc.)  

Other common e-Builder budget line items to include if applicable:

  • 20-260 On-site Reps (for CPD construction reps on larger projects)
  • 20-240 Consultant Services – Secondary (consultants not under the prime design team, e.g., Geotech or Hazard material)
  • 40-410 Furnishings and Equipment Budget (include sales tax)
  • 50-510 Art Work (used on larger projects)
  • 50-520 Sales Tax (associated with Art Work)

Do not include line items that are not applicable to the project.