Project Procurement Schedule and Definitions

2.6. Project Procurement Schedule

The following is the Project Procurement Schedule. The Owner reserves the right to modify the
Project Procurement Schedule via addenda issued prior to the date set forth below.


January 11, 2022
January 25, 2022 
January 28, 2022
February 2, 2022 
February 10, 2022
February 18, 2022 
February 21, 2018
February 28, 2022 
March 1 and 2, 2022 
March 4, 2022 
March 8, 2022
March 14, 2022
March 17 and 18, 2022
March 25, 2022


Issue RFP
Project Information Meeting
Last Date to Submit Questions Regarding the RFQ
Last Date to Issue Owner Addenda
SOQ Due Date
Notification of Finalists
Issue RFP
Mandatory Site Walk Through for Finalists
Confidential Individual Meetings
Last Date to Submit Proposed Changes to Contract
Last Date to Issue Owner Addenda
Proposal Due Date
Interviews with Finalists (optional)
Notification of Highest Scored Finalist

2.7. Definitions

2.7.1. Business Day: any day on which the Owner is open for regularly conducted business.

2.7.2. Confidential Individual Meetings: The confidential meeting(s) conducted individually between the Owner and each Finalist after the issuance of the RFP. All Confidential Individual Meetings will be conducted pursuant to the instructions in the Procurement
Documents, and all participants will be required to enter into a confidentiality agreement before the meeting. 

2.7.3. Design-Builder: The entity with the prime design-build contract with the Owner.

2.7.4. Design-Build Team Member: All entities listed by the Design-Builder as providing services or construction on the project. The Design-Builder is not required to list all members of the Design- Build Team in the SOQ. Members of the Design-Build Team may
also be referred to as “Team Members”.

2.7.5. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise: Any business entity certified with the Washington State Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises under chapter 39.19 RCW.

2.7.6. Key Team Member: Individuals who will be assigned to the Project who play an important role in the design, construction or management of the Project.

2.7.7. Procurement: The Owner’s process for selecting a Design-Build Team for this Project.

2.7.8. Procurement Documents: All documents issued by the Owner in connection with the Procurement or Project.

2.7.9. Projects of Similar Scope and Complexity: Projects that had completion dates within the last five (5) years and that have many or all of the following characteristics:

  • Projects of a similar size and budget that include design and construction of culturally significant buildings that incorporate meaningful input from the local community;
  • Projects that utilize an integrated delivery method that require strong coordination and integration of the design and construction professionals and early involvement of the construction professionals during design;
  • Projects where the Design-Builder achieved high participation from Business Equity Enterprises (as defined in Exhibit F), in particular Native owned businesses; 
  • Projects that achieved high sustainability goals such as NetZero, LEED Gold or Platinum and that incorporate innovative sustainability materials and systems; and
  • Projects where the Design-Builder was selected prior to the establishment of the scope, schedule and GMP where the Design-Builder collaborated with the Owner to develop the final scope, schedule GMP.

2.7.10. RFP: The Owner’s Request for Proposals, which will be issued to those Finalists who are selected to proceed to the next phase of this Procurement.

2.7.11. Small Business Entity: A small business as defined in RCW 39.26.010 as a Washington
state business, including a sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity

  • Certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it is owned and operated independently from all other businesses and has either
    • Fifty or fewer employees; or
    • A gross revenue of less than seven million dollars annually as reported on its federal income tax return or its return filed with the Washington State Department of Revenue over the previous three consecutive years; or​​​​
  • Is certified with the Washington State Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises under Chapter 39.19 RCW.