Scope Guidance

Scope & Standards

Negotiate contract scope and fee.

Engage Siemens early in design to establish controls allowance to be integrated into project scope.

Discuss with Electrical Engineer what connections to the campus electrical system will be required.

Negotiate early with Parking Office and other impacted parties for parking and laydown planning for construction phase impacts.

  • Include plans on the front cover of drawings.

Fill out Environmental Health and Safety form.

  • Discuss any known impacts and pre-existing conditions.
  • Supply information to consultant to include in project documents.

Establish WWU standards, including:

  • Design
  • Acoustical
  • Lab
  • Paint colors and finishes
  • Storm water management
  • Unique processes contained in WWU division 0-1 documents
  • Any additional guidelines unique to WWU

Ensure consultant or contractor is familiar with or has access to:

  • Current record documents
  • City of Bellingham permit, fire, and inspection processes
  • IMP and master planning data as appropriate
  • Previous environmental checklists, hazardous material reports, and seismic reports 
  • Campus utility plan(s): check with FM to ensure the plans are current
  • Current AutoCAD backgrounds, checked for dimensional accuracy

Check that the state Department of Archeology has been notified of major changes to existing buildings. 

Establish clear communication protocols early.