SOQ Documentation Requirements


4.1. Submittal Process

The University is requiring electronic submittals of the items listed below for this solicitation. Hard copy submittals will not be accepted. Submissions must be delivered through the University’s eBuilder bid portal no later than 3:00 pm on the date in the schedule set forth in section 2.6 of the RFQ.

e-Builder submittal portal

  • The electronic submittal shall include the solicitation number (PW774), the title of the document, and due date and time in the subject line. The Proposal shall be titled, “WWU PW774 Coast Salish Longhouse Statement of Qualifications”
  • Limit file size to 80MB.
  • The University will use the time stamp on the submittal upload to determine timeliness.
  • Proposers are responsible for ensuring timely delivery of submittals.
  • The University is not responsible for Proposer’s technical difficulties in submitting electronically.
  • The Owner reserves the right not to evaluate late submittals.

4.1.1. If issues arise in accessing the RFQ documents or the submittal portal, please contact:
Sherrie Montgomery, Project Manager
Capital Planning & Development
(360) 650-6519

4.1.2. Any addenda issued for this RFP will be published at the following website address: Proposers are responsible for checking the website prior to submission of Proposals for any addenda. If you are unable to download the addenda, you may contact the individual noted above.

4.2. SOQ Format Requirements

The SOQs shall comply with the following format requirements:

4.2.1. SOQs shall be formatted in searchable .pdf format and shall include a searchable bookmark for each subsection of the submittal.

4.2.2. The body of the SOQ shall be organized in accordance with the Evaluation Criteria.

4.2.3. The body of the SOQ, when printed, shall be limited to a maximum of Fifteen (15) pages.

  • The only documentation that is not included in the page count is the following:
    • Letter of interest or cover letter.
    • Statement of Proposer’s Ability to Provide a Proposal Bond, or Performance and Payment Bond;
    • Statement of Proposer’s Ability to Meet the Owner’s Insurance Requirements;
    • Corporate Structure Questionnaires;
    • Identification of Projects Table;
    • Resumes of Key Team Members;
    • Divider tabs, provided that they contain no substantive content; and
    • Cover pages, provided that they contain no substantive content.
  • SOQs that exceed the page limit may be rejected. The Owner, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject SOQs that exceed the page limit or to remove pages from the sections of any non-conforming SOQ submittals to bring each non-conforming SOQ submittal within the page count requirement.
  • A “page” shall be defined as (when printed) one single-sided piece of paper that has words, charts, tables, pictures, or graphics. Pages shall be 8.5 x 11 inches, with the exception of the Identification of Projects Table, which may be presented in 8.5 x 14-inch format.
  • The font shall for any portion of the submittal, including graphics, be no smaller than 10 point


4.3. SOQ Organization

SOQs shall consist of the following parts:

4.3.1. Letter of Interest

4.3.2. Minimum Qualifications

  • Statement of Proposer’s Ability to Provide Performance and Payment Bond. (See Section 5.2.1 and Exhibit C)
  • Statement of Proposer’s Ability to Meet the Owner’s Insurance Requirements. (See Section 5.2.2 and Exhibit D)

4.3.3. Technical & Management Qualifications

  • Team Organization
  • Demonstrated History of Successful Projects Similar in Scope and Complexity
  • Design Experience
  • Project Controls
  • Successful Utilization of Business Equity Enterprises, including Certified Disadvantaged Businesses

4.3.4. SOQ Attachments

  • Resumes of Key Team Members
  • Identification of Projects Table
  • Corporate Structure Questionnaire(s)