SOQ Submittal Information


5.1. Letter of Interest (No points)

The SOQ must include a cover letter containing the name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the Proposer and the principal contact person. The Letter of Interest shall also include the following: (1) name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address for all listed consultants for the Project (if any) and (2) the type of firm or organization (corporation, partnership, joint venture, etc.) that will serve as the prime contracting party. The PW 774 House of Healing Page 12 Request for Qualifications letter of interest may be a maximum of two (2) pages.

5.2. Minimum Qualifications

5.2.1. Statement of Proposer’s Ability to Provide Performance and Payment Bond (Pass/Fail) As a mandatory minimum requirement, the Proposer must have the ability to obtain a performance and payment bond in the amount equal to the value of the contract amount, subject to subsequent modifications to that amount, and sales tax. Proposer shall provide a letter signed by an authorized representative of Proposer’s surety company (or agent) confirming that the Proposer can meet this minimum requirement. Any Proposer who fails to meet this mandatory minimum requirement will be considered non-responsive and will not be considered further by the Owner in this Procurement process. The surety shall be a company authorized to conduct business in the state where the Project is located with a current minimum A.M. Best rating of A-, Class VII or better. Letters indicating “unlimited” bonding capability are not acceptable.

5.2.2. Statement of Proposer’s Ability to Meet the Owner’s Insurance Requirements. (Pass/Fail)

As a mandatory minimum requirement, the Proposer must document that it has the ability to meet the minimum insurance requirements as set forth in the attached draft Agreement and General Conditions (Exhibit D). Proposer shall provide a letter from Proposer’s insurance company or broker indicating that the Proposer is capable of complying with the insurance requirements specified in Exhibit D or an ACCORD Insurance Certificate that shows evidence of insurance that meets or exceeds the requirements set forth above. Any Proposer who fails to meet this mandatory minimum requirement will be considered to be non-responsive and will not be considered further by the Owner in this Procurement. The insurer shall be a company authorized to conduct business in the state where the Project is located with a current minimum A.M. Best rating of A-, Class VII or better.

5.3. Technical and Management Qualifications

The SOQ shall demonstrate the Design-Build Team’s ability to undertake the Project by providing the following technical and management qualifications of the Proposer, Team Members, and individual Key Team Members. The Proposer is responsible for ensuring that contact information contained in their referenced project profiles is correct. The inability to contact a reference may have a detrimental impact on the evaluating qualifications.

Emphasis will be placed on experience and expertise in performing substantive work on projects that are of Similar Scope and Complexity, as described in the definitions above. The Owner reserves the right to award more points to projects that have more of the characteristics set forth in the definition of Projects of Similar Scope and Complexity. The Owner also reserves the right to award more points to successful projects in which Proposer, Team Members, and/or individual Key Team Members had substantial responsibility for their respective scopes of work.

The SOQ will be evaluated on the following technical and management qualifications:

5.3.1. Team Organization

  • The following Key Team Members shall be identified from the design-build team. Individuals identified may have multiple roles. Proposers should clearly identify the roles for the Key Team Members.
    • corporate executive dedicated to the project,
    • project manager
    • lead design architect,
    • architectural project manager,
    • construction project manager,
    • cultural liaison, PW 774 House of Healing Page 13 Request for Qualifications
    • superintendent,
    • cost estimator,
    • quality control manager,
    • safety officer, and
    • equity manager.

No other consultants or trade contractors should be included in the proposal; these team members will be selected in consultation with WWU after the contract is awarded.

  • Provide an organization chart for the Design-Build Team, including but not limited to the Key Team Members identified. Include in the organization chart the percentage of time that Key Team Members are estimated to be dedicated to the Project for each phase. Clearly identify the Key Team Member who will be responsible for leading the Design-Build Team and will be the prime contact with the Owner during each phase of the project.
  • Provide a narrative describing the benefits of the team structure and the benefits that each Key Team Member provides to the Project. Explain how the Design-Build Team and Key Team Members will exceed the Project Goals. Describe the Team’s past performance working together and/or describe the steps the Team has taken to promote integration and a collaborative working environment. The
  • Owner reserves the right to award more points to those teams who have worked together in a collaborative delivery model. If the Team has not worked together, describe the efforts the Team has undertaken to create a collaborative teaming environment.
  • For each Design-Build Team Member, identify all lawsuits or claims filed in any court or public administrative body in which the Design-Build Team Member, or any company owned or controlled by the Design-Build Team Member, is a party asserting a claim on a design or construction contract. For lawsuits and/or claims in Washington, identify those filed in the last ten years. For lawsuits and/or claims against the Owner, identify all claims and/or lawsuits filed at any time. With each lawsuit, identify the name of the parties, the court or administrative body, and the case number or identifying information for the case. Also identify the amount of the original claim as well as the amount ultimately recovered.

5.3.2. Demonstrated Experience of Successful Projects of Similar Scope and Complexity

  • Describe the Team’s past performance in successfully managing design-build (or a similar integrated delivery model) Projects of Similar Scope and Complexity that include management and communications of an integrated team of design consultants, specialty subcontractors, and trade contractors. Address the Design-Build Team’s experience with each element of the definition of Projects of Similar Scope and Complexity. Include a description of any issues or problems that arose on the projects and how those issues or problems were resolved.
  • Describe how Team Members have utilized the progressive design-build process, innovative design and construction techniques, and/or state of the art technology and sustainability measures to achieve the owner’s goals, increase safety, and/or enhance communication and collaboration.
  • In the Identification of Projects Table, note each Key Team Member who had a material role in each Project of Similar Scope and Complexity described.

5.3.3. Sustainable Design and Net Zero Experience

  • Describe the Design-Build Team’s experience in working on projects seeking to maximize sustainable construction practices;
  • Specifically address the Design-Build Team’s experience in projects providing achievable solutions regarding Net Zero energy requirements, Living Building Challenge, and/or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification. Indicate if the project achieved certification and the level of PW 774 House of Healing Page 14 Request for Qualifications certification. Discuss any initiatives the Design-Build Team employed to achieve sustainability;
  • Describe instances where the Team has exceeded owner’s project goals for previous owners on Projects of Similar Scope and Complexity.

5.3.4. Project Controls

  • Describe the Team’s past performance with Progressive Design-Build or similar integrated projects development and management of Project budgets, including collaboratively developing a GMP and/or flexible scope within a fixed GMP with an owner.
  • Discuss how the estimating and cost monitoring reporting process provided substantive and meaningful information to the owner. Provide examples of deliverables to the owner that will assist in understanding the GMP development process.
  • Describe any issues or problems that arose on the projects discussed in this section and how those issues or problems were resolved.

5.3.5. Experience with Native Participation

  • Provide a summary of experience with tribal engagement, outreach and participation with native owned business, labor, craft and materials and how the team has utilized the work force of tribal members.

5.3.6. Successful Utilization of Small and Certified Disadvantaged Businesses

  • Provide a summary of the Design-Build Team’s performance in the state of Washington over the last five years in utilization of Small and Certified Disadvantaged Businesses. WWU reserves the right to award additional points to firms who have achieved substantial utilization of Small and Certified Disadvantaged Businesses that are Native owned or in geographic areas that tend to have lower numbers of Certified Businesses such as rural counties like Whatcom and Skagit.
  • For each project discussed, include the following information:
    • Name of the project;
    • Date of Substantial Completion;
    • Name of the owner and a contact person with email and phone;
    • Final contract value;
    • Owner’s utilizations goals for the project (if any);
    • The overall percentage of the final contract value paid to each of the following categories. Do not list businesses in more than one category.
      • Disadvantaged Businesses
      • Small Businesses
      • Native Owned Businesses

5.4. Resumes of Key Team Members

5.4.1. Provide a resume for all Key Team Members. Resumes should be no longer than 1 page and should include the following information at a minimum. The resumes will not be evaluated separately. Rather, the resumes will be evaluated in the context of the criteria set forth in Section 5.3.

  • Description of the individual’s proposed Project role;
  • Identification of employer and number of years employed by the firm;
  • Educational background, professional licenses, and/or certifications; and PW 774 House of Healing Page 15 Request for Qualifications
  • Experience relevant to their proposed role on the Project and how their experience will benefit this Project.

5.5. Identification of Projects Table

5.5.1. The Proposer must submit an Identification of Projects Table with the required information set forth herein for each project cited or mentioned in the SOQ. The Identification of Projects Table may be submitted on 8.5” x 14” paper and may be no more than two pages in length. The Proposer is responsible for ensuring that contact information contained in their Identification of Projects is correct. The inability to contact a reference may have a
detrimental impact on the evaluating qualifications. The Owner reserves the right to contact any person listed in the Identification of Projects or any other person with knowledge regarding any Project in which any Design-Build Team Member or Key Team Member participated. The identification of projects will not be evaluated separately. Rather, the projects will be evaluated in the context of the criteria set forth in Section 5.3.

  • Name of project;
  • Owner;
  • Location of project (include address);
  • Delivery method;
  • Name of each Design-Build Team Member and Key Team Member who is proposed for this Project who played a significant role on the listed project, including an identification of their project function;
  • The initial contract price, the final contract price, and an explanation for any difference between the two amounts;
  • The initial date scheduled for substantial completion, the actual date of substantial completion, and an explanation for any difference between the two dates; 
  • Project contact information of the Owner or customer and their role on the project (current address, e-mail, and phone number) who can verify the characteristics of the listed project.

5.6. Corporate Structure Questionnaire

5.6.1. Submit a completed Corporate Structure Questionnaire for Design-Builder (Exhibit E). If the prime Design-Builder is a Joint Venture, all Joint Venture partners must have functional responsibilities for the Project. Describe the duties of each Joint Venture partner and provide a copy of the Joint Venture Agreement.