Building ID
- Assign PW number.
- Request a two letter identifying code for a new building.
- Submit New Project Request Form in e-Builder.
- Schedule an appointment with EHS to go through safety checklist.
- Define scope, stakeholders and project delivery method.
- Complete project information in e-Builder.
- Gather information for project support and equipment needs.
- Create preliminary budget in e-Builder.
- Create preliminary schedule in e-Builder.
Request a Building ID
Contact the committee chair and request a two-letter identification code.
- Suggestions for the two-letter ID are welcome.
The chair checks the database and then sends out a request to the committee to accept the suggestion.
The committee acts to:
- Accept the two-letter ID or explain the need to choose another code
- If a new code is needed, the process is repeated.
Once the ID is accepted:
- The Registrar’s office adds it to Banner.
- Facilities Management adds it to AiM.
- Capital Planning and Development adds it to the Vault.
- If Housing is involved, they populate their STAR room reservation system.