2013-15 Capital Budget Request
2013-15 Capital Planning Process
In the Summer of 2011, the University and its Planning Unit Leaders began reviewing the previous ten-year capital plan major and intermediate sized projects to determine what projects should be retained and what new ones should be added. During the Fall 2011, the Vice Presidents presented initial thoughts to the University’s Planning and Resources Council. The council gathered comments from its members and held several open forums; comments were shared with the Vice Presidents. Over the course of the Spring 2012, the ten-year plan was refined and reconsidered by UPRC. The new ten-year plan was ultimately approved by the Board of Trustees at their June 2012 meeting.
2013-23 Capital Plan
Western submitted the 2013-23 Capital Plan to the State in September 2012.
2013-15 Minor Works Capital Project Request
In the Fall of 2011, a bottom up preservation and programmatic minor works request process was initiated. The minor works requests were reviewed and approved by the Planning Unit Leaders, presented and reviewed with comments by UPRC, and adopted by the Vice Presidents; the Board of Trustees then approved the minor works line items as part of the University's ten-year plan.
2013-15 Capital Budget Comparison
Contact Information
Brian Ross, Director of Capital Budget and Public Works Procurement, (360) 650-6539