Consultant Contracting
- Change e-Builder status to “Consultant Selection.”
- Complete and send Exposure Checklist form to Risk Management.
- Verify consultant's COVID protocol information.
- If design fee will not exceed $300,000 and no specialized skills are needed, select from consultant roster and go to Consultant Contracting.
- If fee exceeds $300,000, prepare Board of Trustees (BOT) action item to award design.
- If design fee exceeds $300,000 or highly specialized skills are needed, begin Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process.
- Update e-Builder to add consultants.
- Process consultant invoices as they are received.
Draft contract. Use either the long form (usually for projects over $300K) or short form contract.
- Consult OFM Architect/Engineer fee guidelines as needed
- See OFM A/E Fee Schedule
- Send with associated attachments to consultant
- Consultant signs and returns with copy of certificates of insurance.
Send signed contract with certificates of insurance and total contract price to Associate Director of Capital Budget for approval and copy in Assistant Director.
- If fee exceeds $300,000, obtain BOT approval.
Finalize contract
- Send final contract to consultant for signature and certificates.
- Send to CBO for signatures and execution.
Go to step 6 to update e-Builder.
For changes to consultant contracts:
- Review change and confirm acceptance with steering committee if necessary.
- Confirm budget can allow additional scope change.
- Negotiate fee change with consultant
- Submit change order request with memo attachment and exact amount of increase to Associate Director Capital Budget and copy in Assistant Director.