e-Builder Bid Portal
Bidding & Contracts
- Change e-Builder status to "Bidding."
- Arrange and advertise pre-bid conference.
- Prepare bid package.
- Set up bid package in e-Builder.
- Bid opening
- Prepare for contract execution.
Bid Portal
Associate Director sets up bid package in e-Builder.
- All messaging, Q & A, and addenda will be done through the bid module.
- IT specialist can provide guidance and support for messaging through e-Builder bid module.
- Create a link to the bid portal to be included in advertisement and on CPD website.
- CPD is no longer using Quest CDN for bidding.
Send bid portal link and any pertinent information to communications coordinator for posting on the CPD website.
Send any addenda to communications coordinator to post to website.
- Last addendum must be posted no less than one week before bid opening.