Space Modeling

Space Modeling

The 2019-2020 Space Modeling & Capital Plan Development Working Group was charged with developing reports on space needs to meet the Strategic Plan’s “prosperity gap”:

  • The difference above current space levels required to adequately support existing services into the future
  • The additional space required to advance the institution’s aspirations and priorities set forth in the Strategic Plan.

The group consists of three task forces, each focused on its own area of expertise, in addition to a Working Group to assist with data gathering and analysis:

  • Academic Space Modeling Task Force
  • Administrative Support and Infrastructure Space Modeling Task Force
  • Student Affairs Space Modeling Task Force

The space modeling working group and its associated Task Forces are assisting the Vice Presidents in determining the operational and future growth space gaps on main campus. 

Consultants and a Project Management Team are providing support for data gathering and analysis.

The following report is a draft of initial findings on Western Washington University’s current Space Modeling and Capital Development Plan, offered for comments from the University community. 

Contact Information

Forest Payne, Project Manager/University Planner

(360) 650-6813