Substantial Completion
Project Close-out
- Change e-Builder status to “Close-out”
- O&M manuals and equipment
- Substantial completion
- Physical Close-out
- Final completion
- Internal Close-outs
- Electronic and paper document archiving
- Update e-Builder status to “complete”
- Celebrate!
Preparing for Completion
Prepare punch list:
- Schedule punch list and back-punches with consultant and contractor.
- Set up AiM Assists if FM is needed.
- Contractor notifies AE they are substantial and attaches their punch list
- Once AE approves punch list, proceed to Substantial Certificate.
Send Substantial Completion Certificate with AE and contractor signatures to Assistant Director Capital Planning and Development for review.
- Assistant Director reviews and recommends action to the Director.
- Send copies to AE and contractor with memo.
- Notify FM the project is Substantial. Include:
- Shop supervisors
- FM Construction Manager
- FM Maintenance & Operations AD
- FM Quality Assurance Coordinator
- Facilities Services Coordinator