Surplus Property
WWU has a program for the management and control of its physical inventory. Our mission is to efficiently and effectively facilitate the pickup, processing, redistribution, and sale of surplus equipment generated by Western Washington University.
We work to efficiently remove surplus equipment from buildings on campus and to be a responsible environmental steward for the University by finding reuse and recycling markets for surplus property, and we operate on both sides of the process – pickup/collection and sale/redistribution.
Who Are Our Customers?
- Western student looking for cheap used computers, printers, audio/video equipment, etc.
- Member of the community and are looking for great values on used items
- Used/surplus/ recycle/salvage businesses
- Western faculty, staff, or state agencies looking for used office equipment, recording equipment, etc. for their work office or department
Property control tags identify each piece of University owned equipment that has a purchase cost of $5,000 or more.
Property control tags are also affixed to the following small and attractive assets with unit costs of $1,000 or more:
- Cameras, motion picture (6710)
- Cameras, still picture (6720)
- Photographic projection equipment, e.g. projectors (6730)
- Laptop and notebook computers (7013)
- Tablets and smart phones (7014)
All Weapons, Firearms, Signal Guns, and Accessories are tagged and inventoried regardless of unit cost.
Need to Get Rid of Surplus Items, Equipment, and/or Furnishings?
To recycle or dispose of unneeded surplus university property, you need to either complete a Surplus Equipment Pickup Request form or call Equipment Inventory at 360-650-3566.
When completing your form please include:
- The Department, and the name, phone number and location of a contact person
- The physical location of the item(s) including the building names and room number
- The inventory tag number(s) – or write “None," if it is not tagged
- A good description of the item(s)
- Specify the condition of the item(s) and make any other important notations such as special directions for hours of availability or suspected hazardous conditions or materials.
Want to Acquire Surplus Items, Equipment, and/or Furnishings?
You can purchase surplus items, equipment, and furnishings through Western’s Surplus Online Auction.
First you will need to register and set up your personal account (there are no fees and your information is private). If you are a Western faculty, staff member or a state agency, and acquiring items for your work office or department, let Equipment Inventory know, so that they can create a special account for internal redistribution of surplus items.
Start Shopping
- Type a ‘W’ in the ‘Select Region’ field.
- Click on the arrow in the ‘Select Agency’ field for the drop-down menu.
- Click on ‘Western Washington University’.
- All categories will be displayed. For current offerings, a number will appear to the right of the subcategory. This represents the number of auctions of that type.
Surplus FAQs
To recycle or dispose of unneeded surplus university property, you need to either complete a Surplus Equipment Pickup Request form or call Equipment Inventory at 360-650-3566.
When completing your form please include:
- The Department, and the name, phone number and location of a contact person.
- The physical location of the item(s) including the building names and room number.
- The inventory tag number(s) – or write “None," if it is not tagged.
- A good description of the item(s).
- Specify the condition of the item(s) Make any other important notations such as special directions for hours of availability or suspected hazardous conditions or materials.
To dispose of an asset, the department’s Budget Authority must approve of the disposal of assets by completing the Surplus Equipment Pickup Request form.
The general guideline is that state property may be sold at “fair market value” to schools or non-profit organizations. Contact Equipment Inventory before donating any university assets or goods to another organization. They will guide you through the process of qualifying the organization and other paperwork required by our policy and state law. Special note; the state has mandated that all donations of university’s surplus computers and related equipment be donated through the “Computers for Kids – Washington” program. To ensure equity, there are to be NO direct donations of surplus computers or computer-related equipment by state universities to school districts outside of this process.
A memo specifying the item WWU Tag number, a brief description, the gaining department name and ORGN code, and new building & room location. Send memo to Equipment Inventory, MS-9116.